Crazy For Books' Book Blogger Hop
Parajunkee's Follow My Book Blog Friday.

I'm Alison. I've been blogging for eleven months. I review mainly YA with a few MG books and a weekly manga feature.
On the blog:
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
Instructions for a Broken Heart by Kim Culbertson
Die For Me by Amy Plum
Manga Mondays
Vampire Knight vol. 8 by Matsuri Hino
Questions of the Week:
Blog Hop: If you were given the chance to spend one day in a fictional world (from a book), which book would it be from and what would that place be?
Well, probably Twilight if I could hang out with the Cullens (and they didn't try to kill me). Otherwise, Harry Potter. I love the Anna and the French Kiss world too. I recently read Die For Me and I'd love to get to know the revenants better.
Follow Friday: It's circle time. Time for us to open up and share. Can you tell us FIVE quirky habits or things about you? We all have them...
1. For all I consider myself a hip indie rock listener, I am a huge fan of the Hannah Montana and High School Musical albums and listen to them frequently.
2. When I lived in Phoenix, I owned 5 library cards - one for each city (in Minnesota, one library card works for the entire metro).
3. I'm obsessed with the number 7. I always set my alarm clock for some interval of 7 (like 6:07 AM).
4. I am horribly behind on my book reviews. I have about 10 books that I've read but haven't yet reviewed. The worst part of being a fast reader.
5. I was scared of escalators as a kid. Sometimes, I still get nervous going down (especially when carrying luggage) and stand at the top of the escalator for 30 seconds or more before I can get on.
Hi again, Alison! Dropping by for FF. I downloaded Die For Me but haven't read it yet. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteI keep seeing reviews for Between Shades of Gray, I'm going to have to check it out. ;) Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteHappy almost friday hon!! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
ReplyDeleteMY FF
Haha! There are a few albums on my iPod that I would be completely mortified for anyone else to see, I can't even mention them here they are too awful and I would completely loose my street cred! I am loving this week's question!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the only one who listens to HM. I actually love some of the songs. My sis in law and brother in law had a conversation about this the other day because we were all in the living watching the disney channel's witches of waverly place (no kids) and we're 25 and 30 yrs old. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm like you on the review part also I have at least 10 books I've probably read that i haven't done reviews on. I try but I can't get myself motivated. Plus, I think I'm stuck on what to say.
No I don't feel so bad about having more than one library card. Although the most I've had is two. :)
ReplyDeletenew follower.
The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia
I have the curse of the fast reader/slow reviewer too. :) I'm an old follower just hoppin' through. Happy Friday!
Interestinng quirks! I hate escalators myself and I was so scared of them as a child. To this day I still use the stairs or even the lift.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! Happy Reading
I like some Hannah Montana songs and the first and second HSM soundtracks (not so much the third)-some of those songs are darn catchy!
ReplyDeleteWow! I have my alarm set to wake me up at 6:07 a.m. My fave number is 14 but 7 is my son's fave number so I use it a lot!
ReplyDeleteMonique @ AsianCocoa's Secret Garden
Hey, Alison. That's funny about your dad howling in his sleep. Mine used to sleepwalk out to the yard. I blame him for my sleep weirdness. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeletehey hey thanks for stopping by!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah my mum has the same escalator fear as well.. lol!
Thanks for stopping by Bitten Books :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a Hannah Montana fan myself ;) I've got an interesting ipod music selection. I've got Hannah Montana, Miranda Cosgrove etc, then 30 Seconds to Mars, Valencia etc, then Ke$ha, Nicki Minaj etc, and Jason Aldean. Never know what I might be in the mood for!
Thanks for stopping by my FF post! You have some great quirks there, I am originally from PHX, and I had no idea that library cards worked that way there, that’s just inconvenient. And, we all have are guilty pleasure CD’s…Hannah Montana, well, at least she’s not Beiber….
ReplyDeleteHi & Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteI have listed my answers here :)
Have a great weekend..
PS. I am behind on my book reviews as well ;)
I have look at the stairs as I descend or ascend. I cannot look ahead! Escalators aren't my favourite either!
ReplyDeleteMy Bookshelf
I used to have to jump off escalators, but I'd always pause before doing so which used to cause all kind of problems for whoever was behind me!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my answers at
ReplyDeleteJust hopping by and following through. I have 6 library cards at the one library - my children have had library cards since they were born but I got them so I can use them :)
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
ReplyDeleteHopping by from the FF Blog Hop. I'm an old follower!
I'm also behind on my book reviews and trying to catch up with them.
When I was younger my brother and I use to push the big red buttons on the escalators to stop them. Lucky we don't do that now, LOL!
Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Alison, happy Friday :) Just stopping by from Follow Friday. You have the prettiest blog btw ^^
ReplyDeleteI have Miley Cyrus and the HM crew in my playlist too but there's no way I'll tell my friends! And I have this fear of escalators since I watched Seconds from Disasters at Nat Geo.
I enjoy Miley Cyrus's music as well.
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend.
New follower here. Thanks for stopping by! I'm very behind as well! Have a nice weekend.
ReplyDeleteComing through on the blog hop. Enjoy the weekend.
ReplyDeleteI was afraid of escalators for a bit when I was a kid, I thought I would get sucked into the little slot where the steps disappeared too!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Friday Hops
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower
Jessica@a GREAT read
I almost stopped following after reading you listen to Hannah Montana and High School Musical 3! :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the weekend!
hey just stoppin by , i already follow. the number seven thing is funny. Happy FF
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about being a fast reader! I get so backed up with my reviews and then I have to spend a whole day writing them to get caught back up! I think I'd probably like to hang out in the Twilight world too!
ReplyDeleteThis is the first Twilight world I've seen! I really wouldn't mind jumping in that world as well. :)
ReplyDeleteFor the library cards, what's cool about where I live is that I have one library card, but I can use it at up to like 20 different cities surrounding me. They have an online catalog that I can put things on hold from any of those libraries and they'll be delivered to my library. It's muy awesome and nice on the pocketbook too.
Here's my Blog Hop & Follow Friday
♥ Sarah
Happy FF and Blog hop! Just skipping through. Hope you have a fab weekend!
ReplyDeleteI feel exactly the same way about Hannah Montana and High School Musical! (I just had to make another comment after reading that).
ReplyDeleteHi Alison,
ReplyDeleteI was hopping through to see what your answer was for the fictional world.
Have a great weekend
Happy Friday Alison! That's so interesting about the escalators:) I get freaked out by the moving sidewalks in airports, I always think I'm going to trip trying to get off and sprawl face down in the dirty carpet while everyone laughs. No good. I have a similar fear with ski lifts, except with that one I have actually fallen a** over teakettle and had to have them stop the lift so I could get up. Awesome. Hope you have a great weekend! And good luck getting caught up on your reviews, I have 3 I need to do:)
ReplyDeleteEscalators freak me out too. I sometimes stand in front of it for a few seconds/minutes judging the best time to step on one of the steps so I don't fall face forward, especially when going down.
ReplyDeleteHi! Following you from the Feature and Follow Friday blog hop. Would love a follow back: I also have twitter: @wlbks. Have a 'good read' weekend!
ReplyDeleteI make myself stop reading when I am 4 reviews behind. Otherwise I'll never remember what I wanted to say.
ReplyDeleteA few weeks ago, I found that one library card in Minnesota actually gives you access to pretty much any public library in the state. Even better, no? :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sure hanging in Harry Potter land is going to be the most popular answer to that Blog Hop question. I'd do anything to just chill out in the Three Broomsticks and sip a pint of Butterbeer - I wouldn't even need the magic!
ReplyDeleteHanging out with the Cullens sounds good.
ReplyDeletehere's mine:
Alison although I haven't read the Manga I just love the Vampire Knight Anime. I get so fan girly over it. There needs to be a new series already! Oh and my favourite number is seven xD
ReplyDeletehello allison, blog hopping and hopped here. hope all is good, hope you do get to a few of those reviews this weekend. i have one i need to do and only about four books so far on my desk not including current read and four personal blog features i am doing. happy reading.
ReplyDeleteNew follower! I'm also terrible with keeping up with my book reviews! I keep a list a the bottom of my blog to help myself keep track of which one comes next! Happy blog hop!
ReplyDeleteCrystal @ Elegantly Bound Books
I’ve seen a lot of great picks and gathered some fresh titles to add to my ever-growing TBR list. My answer will probably stun most people because the world I picked is a place most people would be scared to death of and try to escape from. Me? I want in.
ReplyDeleteHop on over to my blog and be prepared for the unexpected –
Howard Sherman
Happy Follow Friday! Thanks for stopping by today.
ReplyDeleteI agree. It would be fun to hang out with the Cullins. Happy hopping :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following back now.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally afraid of heights, so escalators aren't my thing either. I can do them, but I'm always afraid I'll fall at the end, when I'm supposed to step off.
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by my blog for Follow Friday. I'm a new follower, your blog is so pretty and it seems like we have similar taste in reading. Cheers!
I almost picked Twilight, but if I did, I'd rather be in La Push with the Quilutes! Hopping on through, thanks for the blog love! I am now a follower! Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteHi Allison, just hopping through! I'm still nervous on escalators....I always feel like my feet are going to get sucked up in the grate! There's a 3(ish) story escalator at the Bethesda, MD DC Metro station....I hate using it.
ReplyDeleteJennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog
I do the same thing with escalators. There's this one at a mall near me that is incredibly thin and steep and I have to quickly walk down it every time I go on it. There's some in the Metro in D.C. that are horrific to go on.
ReplyDeleteYay for harry potter!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog!
Hey Alison,
ReplyDeleteThx for following! I love indie music too. I always find the best title of books on your blog. Have a great weekend!
See ya,
Readaholics Anonymous
Hi! Thanks for stopping by. I used to get nervous about getting on escalators with luggage, but not anymore. ;)
ReplyDeleteUnder The Covers
LMAO Allison...I love Indie music and I am a closet Miley fan (shh dont tell anyone) I have even seen her in concert....Thank you for the follow..I have followed back and I hope we can have some great convo's in the future. BTW I am just now reading Mortal Instrument Series and am LOVING it
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog!! Yum bread. I had Subway today and it smelled soooo good!
ReplyDeleteI live in Phoenix and can attest to the library card thing. Absolutely. I have two.. one for the PHX library district and another for the county library district. One is close to work and the other is close to home. When I lived in IL I only had one. However, I love having these two library districts at my disposal. One has more to offer and the other gets new releases in faster. I just love it :o)
Old follower,
Mickey @ imabookshark
I'm a closet--well not so closet Glee fan. I love the music and my itunes is full of Glee Cast songs. Power to the corny music that makes us happy :). Happy Weekend.
ReplyDeleteOH yea I would love to visit the Cullens too :) and Hogwarts would be so much fun. Thanks for stopping by my blog
ReplyDeleteI read all sorts of Fanfiction its my guilty pleasure.
Thanks for visiting my blog!! That would be awesome to visit the Cullens Id want to play baseball haha and hopefull not get hurt.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog. I would love to visit the Cullens haha especially Emmett. Have a great weekend
ReplyDeleteBookgirl @ My Book Addiction
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteYour blog is beautiful! I see that you've reviewed Die For Me. I've seen a lot of reviews of the book, but I'm trying not to read them. It's on my TBR list, and it's coming up really soon so I can't throw my own review into the mix :) Also, I noticed that review manga. Vampire Knight is one of my favorite animes! I read the first two chapters of the manga, but I stopped b/c I didn't think Yuki would end up with Zero :( I love Zero so much!!!
Am off to follow you now. Thanks for commenting on my blog :)
Ninja Girl
It's the first time I met a number-obsessed person. :)) I think that's awesome. I like 16 but I don't set my alarm to 6:16 LOL. Nice hop :)
ReplyDeleteIvan Bookworm
Hey! 7 is my favorite number too. And I'm way to old to love Hannah Montana, but I totally do!
ReplyDeleteNoob Follower ~ Thanks for hopping by! I have the fast reader/slow reviewer issue sometimes too.
ReplyDeleteGlad to meet you!
Wow, 5 library cards. Very cool :)
ReplyDeleteI wish I were having the fast reader problem. Lately, I have been a slow reader and the TBR pile is out of control!
Truly Bookish
Hi Alison,
ReplyDeleteThanks for popping in on my blog. I enjoyed reading your quirks. Oh, I am a new follower now.
I'm a new follower. I'm not a big fan of escalators either and we have some really big ones leading down to our Metro. I've found that if I walk down the escalators, I'm less scared because I get off of them faster.
ReplyDeleteHaha, High School Musical and Hannah Montana! I used to be obsessed with those two. But now, I don't like Disney Channel as much. D:
ReplyDeleteAnd I completely understand about getting behind on reviews! I read super fast, too, and I always get behind! It annoys me. T_T
Thanks for stopping by my hop.
ReplyDelete#3 - This is just really funny. I've never heard of someone setting the alarm clock for 6:07. My OCD just wouldn't allow it - I need even numbers and especially NOT a prime number lol.
#5 - OMG my daughter used to scared of escalators! When she was three she through a total fit when we were trying to take her down one in the mall. We ended up finding an elevator instead!
Hi Alison, thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following you as well. I have to say I loved your blogger profile pic of Edward and Bella as I too love Twilight. I have an obsession with the numbers 3 and 6. Don't know why, just do. Also, because I am such a fast reader I tend to get behind on my blogging too. Part of that is from working 3 jobs though taking up a lot of time to actually sit down and type up the blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog! My mom makes her spaghetti the same way (: New Follower, You have some great book choices! I bought Anna and The French Kiss recently and I can't wait to dig into it! Have a great weekend (:
ReplyDeleteI was scared of escalators as a kid too... and I'm still not really fond of them! lol!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog. Very interesting quirks.
ReplyDeleteJust stopping by to say hi and that I am So. Jealous. I'd love to own five library cards! Your blog is beautiful! Definitely a new follower.
ReplyDeleteI used to be afraid of escalators too because of a horror movie my cousin made me watched...
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by yesterday
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! All teachers hate grading papers and I agree with your choice of reading too fast! I'm behind on reviews too! I guess I'll get off this comp and get to it!
ReplyDeleteOh wow! We have so much in common!! Although I'm not obsessed with the number 7, it is my favorite number (especially 777). I'm also behind in my reviews because of all the exams I had to take recently. Hopefully I can read till my hearts content this summer!! :)
~Happy Reading!~
escalators are evil!!!
ReplyDeletei am a new follower and new to follow fridays! I hope to meet alot of cool new people!
Angel's Cove Book Reviews
This is really late, seeing as your next hop's out already, but my return-commenting aspect of my laptop was playing up (I don't get technology). So I'm seeing your old hop before I go to look at your new one. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm behind on reviews, too! I hate being behind. (Like I am on returning comments). And escalators terrified me, especially the ones in airports and underground trains, that almost look vertical.
Hope you had a great week, and sorry for my lateness!