Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hopping Time

It's time for the weekly book blogger hops again! A great opportunity to meet new bloggers and say hi to old.

Check out the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Crazy For Books.

And also check out Parajunkee's Follow My Book Blog Friday.

I'm Alison. I've been blogging for six months. I review mainly YA with a few MG books and a weekly manga feature.

Check out the new design for my blog. I love it! All thanks to the wonderful Blog Designs by Sheila!

Books Reviewed This Week:

The Cardturner by Louis Sachar
Tyger Tyger by Kersten Hamilton
The Daughters Break The Rules by Joanna Philbin

Manga Mondays: Sanctuary (Wicked Lovely Desert Tales) by Melissa Marr

Check out the latest installation of my feature What Books?
What Books? Movie is better than the book?

Questions of the Week:

My Question: Have any of you had difficulty finding Anna and the French Kiss at the bookstores? It wasn't at the B&N by my house or the cool indie bookstore. I found it at the B&N at the mall, but there was just one copy shoved on a shelf. Every blogger I've read adores this book. It would be a shame if non-bloggers never hear about it.

Blog Hop: What is the thing you like most about reading book blogs? Is it the reviews, author guest posts, articles, giveaways, or something else entirely? I like all these things. Reviews are definitely the reason I first got interested in book blogs. Giveaways are always fun. Guest posts and interviews are cool, because I get to know authors in ways I wouldn't otherwise.

Follow Friday: Do you have an under-noticed author that you think we should all know about? Joanna Philbin (daughter of Regis) has a YA series called The Daughters that I absolutely adore. You have characters with the wealth and fashion sense of Gossip Girls, but are actually nice people. You can read my reviews for The Daughters and The Daughters Break The Rules.

I also love Kimberley Pauley. She has two books about a girl named Mina who is the daughter of vampires and has to decide if she wants to become a vampire. Snarky and sarcastic, Kimberly's books are a fun addition to vampire canon. Check out my reviews of Sucks To Be Me and Still Sucks To Be Me!


  1. Oh wow, Alison! I love the new look!

    Happy Hopping!

  2. I love the new look it's really pretty. :) Yeah, her book is a little mystery/thriller I think. Short read to maybe close to 200 pages if that. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hehehehe! I just read the comment you left me. I hope I didn't spoil your surprise. I've already added your new button to my blog! :D

  4. Your new design is cute! Definitely haven't heard of either of those authors although I'm not big into mystery/thrillers.

    Stopping by from Follow Friday ^.^

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books
    New Meme: Third Sentence Thursday!

  5. Your site is so freaking cute! I love it! Happy Friday!!

  6. nice look indeed. As for your question. I meant the book gets pretty deep. Happy FF!

  7. Love your new blog design! So pretty and cheerful! I haven't heard of The Daughters, but you grabbed my attention when you said "Gossip Girl" (love that show!)I'll have to check those out.
    I love books whose main characters have a witty, sarcastic sense of humor. Pauley's books sound interesting too. I've recently rediscovered my love of things vampish.

  8. Hmm never heard of either of those authors, but both book series sound intriguing!

    Have a good weekend!

  9. I absolutely love the new look! It's so cute!

  10. I love the new design! I've heard of Anna and the French Kiss but I haven't heard of The Daughters. Both seem like really good books! I must put them on my TBR list :o)

  11. Woohoo! I love your new blog layout!! It looks fantastic!

    I hadn't heard about joanna philbin! i'll have to look for her books.

    i haven't looked for anna and the french kiss yet, you could always order it online :)

  12. Hi! Thanks for stopping by The Enchanted Book. I've never heard of this author, so I'll have to check her out.

    Have a great one!


  13. I forgot about Regis' daughter being a writer! :)

    I'm following back. :)

  14. Hi There!
    I'm an old follower dropping by to say hi! Happy hopping! Drop by and say hi!

  15. Thanks for stopping by! I'm an old follower. Love the new layout! :-)

  16. Love the new look and thank you for stopping by and following me! I am following you back. I've heard of Anna and the French Kiss. I haven't heard of The Daughters. I had no idea Regis's daughter is an author. I will definitely check her out. thank you for sharing.

    Have a safe and fabulous weekend!

  17. Hey Alison! What a gorgeous page! I'm a new follower and look forward to checking out your blog more often! Thanks for following my blog!


  18. hi Alison. thanks for dropping by my blog. wikipedia defines bizarro fiction as "a contemporary literary genre, which often utilizes elements of absurdism, satire, and the grotesque, along with pop-surrealism and genre fiction staples, in order to create subversive works that are as weird and entertaining as possible" i'm now following your blog!

  19. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I LOVE your blog design! It's gorgeous! I am a new follower.
    Jen @A Page Turner 4U

  20. No Anna and The French Kiss yet on my country :'( *sigh*

    I'll be sure to check out Joanna Philbin soon!

    Visit my blog when you have the time!

    Gilliene @ Eep! Geek!

  21. I wonder who drew the Sanctuary by Melissa Marr. Did she do it herself? or a japanese did it?

    why would you call it manga instead of Graphic Novel?

    My blog hop

  22. The design looks great!!! Old follower Happy Friday and Have a great weekend :)

    Books With Bite

  23. oooh the new design is awesome Alison!

  24. Alison! I'm so glad you used Sheila to do your new design! She is SO talented, eh? Love the design she did for me, too :)

    The most under-noticed author I can think of is Savita Kalhan. She is incredibly talented! Her book, The Long Weekend, has become an instant favourite of mine!

  25. Hi!! I think Forever YA is having a giveaway for Anna and the French Kiss - their review is hilarious - titled "you are what the French call les incompetents" - check it out!

    -Linds, bibliophile brouhaha

  26. Oh my gosh Alison look at your blog! It looks BEAUTIFUL! Love it:) And I haven't been able to find Anna and the French Kiss either and was thinking the same thing. Then I just thought maybe it was selling out? And you're almost to 500 followers, CONGRATS!

  27. Wow, pretty new design! I love it!

    I have both of those authors and their books on my TBR. Good to know you enjoy them! I didn't know Philbin was that Philbin. Makes me think she knows what she's writing about.

  28. Beautiful design! Very spring-y. Happy Friday!!

  29. Darling... the new look is amazing.

    Grabbing a button for some side bar love. :)

    Ah, I love most is reading reviews of books I never heard of so I can create an endless horde list of TBR books. *grin*

    I also meeting interesting people who love the same things I love :)

    Under-noticed... All of the Indie Authors. Hop by and check out the badge my Igor created for me, us!!

    Mad Scientist

  30. I'm already a follower Alison , just stopping by to say hello, I love your new look :)

  31. I love finding new books and authors from other bloggers! I'm already a follower. My hop is at Coffee Table Press

  32. Thanks for stopping by my place on the hops! Truly appreciate the visit. My daughter loves Sucks To Be Me.

    Bitsy Bling Books

  33. Hello there is one author I have found that will be a good read and that is C.Lynn Barton. I am a follower come check out my blog and follow me

  34. I'm hopping by to say HELLO! Have a great weekend! Btw, I love the colors in your layout!

  35. I haven't heard of either of the authors you mentioned, I'll have to check them out.

  36. Sucks to be Me was a fun read, wasn't it? I think it is what got me on the vampire kick :)

    I ordered Anna and the French Kiss from Amazon, so I received it right after it was released. I am saving it for Christmas vacation, because I hope it will be special!

    Have a great weekend!

    Julie (Manga Maniac Cafe)

  37. I've heard great things about the Daughters Series!

  38. I've never heard of the Daughters Series. That sounds really cool!

    Love the new look!

  39. Nice redesign on your blog! I haven't heard of the book you mentioned but I'm not really buying books right now. Here is why I read book blogs. Happy blog hop!

  40. Happy follow friday! I'm now following you through Parajunkee's Follow Friday :) kindly return the favor?


    Moonlight Gleam

  41. Hi Alison,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :-) I really like your blog - am your newest follower :-)

  42. Just hopping through! I'm a new follower! Happy Friday!

  43. I've never heard of either of the authors that you mentioned, but I'll have to look into them. Thanks for the recommendation!

  44. Stopping by to say hi! Have a great weekend.

  45. Hopping by! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower. I love the new layout :)


  46. Hey! returning the HOP :)
    love the layout/template


  47. Hello! Hopping by! Cute new layout and header!! Have a great weekend :)

  48. Hi Alison,

    Wow I love your blog layout and header!

    Glad to have found another manga lover!

  49. Thanks for the FF!

    I shall have to keep an eye out for Joanna Philbin books!

    Totally loving the layout!!

  50. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm returning the kindness, and I'm a new follower. Have a great weekend. :)

  51. Hi! Just hopping by to say hello! It’s nice to see other book blogs and read the answers on the question of the week!

    Here’s my post.
    I’m having a 14-day blog event with lots of giveaways! I hope you drop by. Thanks!


I love comments. I appreciate every one! Thank you in advance.

This blog is now an award free zone. I just don't have time to pass on the awards as they deserve.