Thursday, December 30, 2010

Follow Friday

It's time for the weekly book blogger hops again! A great opportunity to meet new bloggers and say hi to old.

Parajunkee's Follow My Book Blog Friday.

I'm Alison. I've been blogging for seven months. I review mainly YA with a few MG books and a weekly manga feature.

2010 Book Lists:

For the end of the year, I put together an extensive list of the books I've read in 2010 separated into categories. Check out the posts I've done thus far (more to follow):

Introductory Post
Part 1: Contemporary Fiction
Part 2: Best Writing, Twilight Lovers; Edgy Fiction; Foodie Fiction
Part 3: Boy POV; Middle Grade; Something Different; Kick-Butt Girls
Part 4: Paranormal Day
Part 5: Cross-Over Adult; High Fantasy; Makes You Think; Historical Fiction

Manga Mondays: Fruits Basket vol. 11 by Natsuki Takaya

Questions of the Week:


Follow Friday: What are your New Year's Book Blogging Resolutions?

1. KEEP BLOGGING! First and foremost, consistent blogging is my goal for 2011. I've done a great job at this in 2010, and I want to be doing the same thing in December 2011.
2. Build a presence: It would be simple to just say that I want more followers...I definitely do. But I also want to be a larger part of the community, which encompasses more than just having lots of followers. I'd like to be a blog that a lot of different bloggers recognize. To achieve this, I want to:
-Participate in and lead discussions.
-Comment more frequently.
-Build a following for my What Books? and Manga Mondays features.
-Actively use Twitter.
-Participate in blog tours.
-Go to the effort of doing author interviews - it takes so long to think up questions.
-Do more guest posts.

What do you think is the best way to increase your blog's presence?


  1. Old follower just stopping by to check out your resolutions.

    Happy New Years!
    ~Inspired Kathy
    I Am A Reader, Not a Writer's Hop

  2. Great Resolutions :b I love your blog design by the way. Stands out, very nice.

    I'm also a new follower

  3. Old follower hopping through! Good luck on all our resolutions!

    Happy New Year!

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  4. This is just your new follower saying hello. You have a great blog and great resolutions. Happy New Year!

  5. Old follower hopping by!

    Great resolutions and good luck on achieving them!

  6. Wow, yeah, you pretty much took everything I want to do and put it all into one thoughtful list. I'm kind of jealous. xP Good luck on your resolutions, m'dear! :)

    Have a Happy New Year! ♥
    Kristina @ Frazzled Book Nommer

  7. Happy Friday Alison! I hope you have a fabulous New Year:) That's a great list of goals for 2011, I share quite a few of them. I always have trouble thinking up author questions as well, I stress that I'm asking them the same thing they've answered a hundred times already! Hope you are on Twitter more, then we could chat more often!

  8. I completely agree with getting more author interviews, my blog is young so its something I want to look into for next year. Good Luck and Happy New Year!

  9. Those are some great goals! :) Happy New Year!

  10. Hoppin on by, good luck with your resolutions!
    I need to comment more on those I stalk as well instead of just lurking in the shadows.
    Have a wonderful and safe New Years!

  11. Wow! What an ambitious goal! However, it looks like you have outlined a fantastic action plan to reach it. :) Good luck! I need to be better about commenting more frequently- for sure one of my goals for 2011. Have a great New Year's!

  12. Great list of goals! I'm an old follower just hopping by to say Happy New Year!

  13. Hmm, good question, I'm not really sure what's the best way to increase a blog's presence. Commenting a lot on other people's reviews is maybe one of the ways.

  14. New follower from the Hop! Thanks for stopping by my blog - I'm definitely going to be checking out Fat Cat now :)

    Good luck with all your blogging resolutions. I also need to comment more on the awesome bloggers I follow. And since I'm new to blogging, I'd love to dive in and try some author interviews and trying something different than what everyone else is doing.

    Anyway, hope you have a Happy New Year! :)

  15. That's totally where I am re:bigger presence vs. lots of followers.

    I would love for people to check my blog out because of cool giveaways or informative posts about anything book related. I'm not sure how to do it but hopefully in 2011 I can figure it out!

  16. Thanks for stopping by. Happy New Year and good luck with your list!

  17. I realllly need to use twitter more too!! great idea!

    happy New Year!!

  18. Thanks for visiting my site and becoming a follower. I love your resolutions, but I doubt any of us will ever find enough time to read....darn that sleeping and eating that
    I'm now following you too. Happy New Year!

  19. Returning the hop, thanks for stopping by . Good luck with your resolutions , may we all follow thru with them. Happy New Year.

  20. Wishing you a lovely New Year darling.

  21. thanks for hopping by :)

    I need to twitter more aswell!

    Happy new year

  22. I can't believe how many books you read this/last year!! Hope it gets even better in 2011!!

  23. Thanks for coming by on the hop. Love the sakura background -- helps me to remember it's just three months to spring. Happy New Year!

    Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    twitter: @fangswandsfairy

  24. Hey! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my resolutions. I love your #2 - Build a presence. That's a really good one, I wish you luck! Happy 2011!

  25. I love the build a presence in the blogging community one! I'd absolutely love to achieve that goal as well!
    Have a great 2011 Alison!

  26. Good luck with your resolutions and great blog design!I really love it! Thanks for following me btw! :) (I´m a new follower now, too!)

  27. Good resolutions. I would love to do more author interviews too but I can never think of interesting questions.
    Have a great New Year!

  28. I totally know what you mean about being more of a presence in the blogging community. Good luck with your resolutions and Happy New Year! New Follower!

  29. Thanks for following Alison! =D Great Blog!

  30. Wow, what a great list! I would agree with Karen above with the author interviews. I can't think of interview questions and I don't even have time to! I tried...but they don't make sense. Lol. Anyway, I'm wishing you a Happy New Year! :)

  31. Good luck on your resolutions!

    Happy new year!!! Wishing you all the best!!

    Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf

  32. Awesome thoughts, Alison.

    I think the main way I increase my blog's presence is just interaction...though maybe that's why I'm smaller than most blogs, too haha :)

    Happy new year!

  33. Hi! Stopping through from the hop over the weekend. :) Sorry, the holiday weekend got away from me. :)

    I wish you all the best here. And I would just keep blogging and stopping by to visit your new blogger friends. :) They really make a difference and help out a lot.

    Happy New Year to you!

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I love comments. I appreciate every one! Thank you in advance.

This blog is now an award free zone. I just don't have time to pass on the awards as they deserve.