Thursday, December 23, 2010

Follow Friday

It's time for the weekly book blogger hops again! A great opportunity to meet new bloggers and say hi to old.

Parajunkee's Follow My Book Blog Friday.

I'm Alison. I've been blogging for six and a half months. I review mainly YA with a few MG books and a weekly manga feature.

2010 Book Lists:

For the end of the year, I put together an extensive list of the books I've read in 2010 separated into categories. Check out the posts I've done thus far (more to follow):

Introductory Post
Part 1: Contemporary Fiction
Part 2: Best Writing, Twilight Lovers; Edgy Fiction; Foodie Fiction

Manga Mondays: Vampire Knight vol. 1 by Matsuri Hino

Questions of the Week:


Follow Friday: What are your plans for Christmas? I am going to be working! Yay! Actually, it should be a slow day, and I volunteered to work so I don't mind. My hubby is working a 24 hour shift so there's nothing to do at home. I do have Christmas Eve off. I'm going to meet up with a friend for breakfast and then do my Christmas shopping - I love shopping on Christmas Eve!


  1. I have never actually shopped on Christmas eve. Is it terribly empty? I hate the crowds, and I hate trying to find parking, so I avoid ALL shopping during the month of December. xD I hope you enjoy the holidays! ♥

    Kristina @ Frazzled Book Nommer.

  2. Thanks for hopping by,

    I'm excited to see my son's face when he realizes the ducktape is an xbox lol. That will keep him busy and I can maybe read a bit after the crowd leaves though.

    Hope you have a Safe and Very Merry Christmas.

  3. Christmas = Days Off = Travelling! Granted that's still a lot of fun, but this American style thing is pretty awesome too ^.^

    Ooh, I've also never done shopping on Christmas Eve. People tell me it's crazy, and they don't want to fight the crowds. Ah, the experiences I need to have lol~~

    Will you still celebrate after his shift is done?

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books

  4. You are sooo brave attempting to do some Christmas shopping so close to Christmas haha I work in retail so I see first hand how bad it can get! Good luck! I hope you score big!!! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!!

  5. Thanks for hopping by The Crazy Bookworm! I love the new look btw!

    Merry Christmas!!

  6. Thanks for stopping by Book Purring, I love your layout too.

  7. Have a nice Christmas day!

    Thanks for visiting ^^

  8. Working?! No.

    Well, at least it will be slow. Maybe you can read a bit.

    Have fun and be safe, Alison.

    Feliz Navidid!
    Missie, The Unread Reader

  9. Ouch. Still working while the other is already with their day off. But it's not a problem for you. Wow.

    Have fun with your xmas eve shopping, Alison.

  10. I've never been shopping on Christmas Eve. Enjoy the holidays!

  11. Alison. Thanks for stopping by. I know what it's like to work on Christmas and did when I worked at my old 24 hour pharmacy (people have to have meds even on xmas) Those are some good times to be able to get paid and read and do nothing :)
    Even though you're working I hope you have a good holiday.

  12. Merry Christmas! Happy working today!:D
    (Happy Holidays post-the working!)


  13. I've worked on many a Xmas eve/day. It's not all bad! Especially if you're in customer service. Everyone is so happy! I'm working until noon today then baking pies and drinking wine with my sis.

    Happy Holidays!
    Carmel @ Rabid Reads / Twitter

  14. Oh no! That's horrible that he has to work on Christmas :(

    I have to work Christmas Eve, which totally sucks, but I can't imagine Christmas day!

    I hope your holiday is great, Alison!

  15. That so sad! But there's always New Years!) Btw, the author is Olga Gromiko and she isn't translated to english yet

  16. Hi There!
    Thanks for the visit! Shopping on Christmas eve?? That would give me hives :) I hate crowds! My sisters are always out shopping on Christmas Eve and then on Boxing Day they are forces to behold! Have fun shopping!

    Merry Christmas from Sugarbeat's Books

  17. Happy Friday Alison! Hope you get all your shopping done, you a braver woman than me, I cower in the house as far away from retail stores as possible:)

    So glad to hear your enjoying Always a Witch - I can't wait to read it! It's my next request on NetGalley once I finish Angelfire:)

  18. I popped in via the Hop. Hope you will stop by and take a look around my blog, too.

    I'm off today to take a meal and presents to a family with lots of troubles this Christmas.

    I'm a new follower!

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. My hubby is working too but we still can squeeze in time for a Christmas dinner. Good luck shopping today! I ran out very early for food and stuff for the dogs/cats but I finished all the big shopping the other day.
    Merry Christmas!

  20. I went shopping on Christmas Eve once. It's was crazy but fun. It felt more festive then shopping months in advance. Hope you have a fun day! Merry Christmas :)

  21. I usually do some shopping on Christmas Eve too. It's a lot of fun, isn't it?

  22. Hello Alison!

    You have an awesome list of books there! Hope you have an awesome time today...can't believe you're going to go shopping! lol

    I'm going over to mom and dad's...hopefully we don't get snowed in here in the midwest!

    Have a very Merry Christmas!

    Lisajo85 @ Once Upon A Chapter

  23. Wow you blog is sooo cute! I love it!!! I instantly knew I was following you! New follower XD

    I read manga too can't wait to see some of your weekly manga reviews :)

    Have a great holiday!!!

  24. Shopping on xmas eve? Yikes! I only had to pop into the grocery store for some breakfast goodies, and that was more than enough - I parked down the block to avoid the bumper-car parking lot. LOL

  25. I'm an old follower, sorry ou have to work hope you get wonderful Overtime though Happy Holidays!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hi, Alison! Thanks for hopping over to my blog! I hope you enjoy your Christmas shopping!

    The Immortal Realm

  28. Haven't commented but I've been enjoying your posts. I like the one about the great authors. I just could nev er write --even badly, so I really appreciate their talent. Have a great holiday- hopefully you get off some time other than Christmas day! Love your blog design, too. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  29. I dislike Christmas shopping at anytime. I can never think of anything to get. I tend to shop more for what I like than what they will like. I'm trying to be better about that :P

    Hope you have fun Christmas shopping :) Happy Holidays!

    Megan Marie
    Xenophobic Bibliophile

  30. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I like Christmas Eve as well... it's been pretty chill, no shopping though which I think is a good thing. I hope you enjoyed your day!

  31. Thanks for visiting my blog! Yours is so fabulous! :) Already a follower, though. ;)
    Ahh, hope you are enjoying Christmas Eve. Have a wonderful holiday season!

  32. Thanks for stopping by! We did end up getting snow! A little too much in fact. It took us forever to get anywhere in it! Merry Christmas!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Merry Christmas- I'm your newest follower! I like the format of your blog. Check out my blog when you get a chance!

    (sorry, I changed my comment since I left out a word and was feeling rather anal about it!!)

  35. Thanks for hopping by earlier!

    Working on Christmas doesn't seem very nice, but at least it will be slow so you don't have much to do!

    Happy Christmas!! :)

  36. Merry Christmas, I hope Santa brought you lots of books & goodies!And I hope that it's slow for you at work so you can relax. =)

  37. I hope your Christmas eve shopping wasn't too crazy and happy boxing day to you :P

    Thanks for following my blog, I appreciate it!

    I think my fave Disney movie would have to be Lion King. Mufasa's death hits me harder now than when I was a kid! It's a movie you can watch over and over.

  38. hi Alison! just stopping by to say thanks for coming by mine and following :-) I'm already a follower.


I love comments. I appreciate every one! Thank you in advance.

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