Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hopping Away

It's time for the weekly book blogger hops again! A great opportunity to meet new bloggers and say hi to old.

Check out the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Crazy For Books.

I'm Alison. I've been blogging for five months - almost 6! I review mainly YA with a few MG books and a weekly manga feature.

Books Reviewed This Week:

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
Pies & Prejudice by Heather Vogel Frederick
Emma vol. 8 by Kaoru Mori
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire by J.K. Rowling

Check out the latest installation of my feature What Books? This week I featured:
What Books? Favorite Not-So-Popular Series

Questions of the Week:

Blog Hop: Since Thanksgiving is coming up next week, let's use this week's Hop to share what we are most thankful for and what our holiday traditions are!

I'm thankful for a wonderful husband and fabulous parents and an adorable dog and cat. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to go to Arizona to visit my parents twice this year. I'm also grateful to have discovered the book blogging community. I've meet so many cool people and read so many fabulous books in the past year since I started following book blogs.

As for holiday traditions, I normally cook Thanksgiving dinner and otherwise spend Thanksgiving and Xmas relaxing. I love shopping on Black Friday, Christmas Eve, and the day after Christmas - especially at the Mall of America. This year will be a little different. For Thanksgiving, we're driving out to the middle of nowhere in Illinois for a weekend getaway (Nauvoo, for those who know it), so I won't be cooking dinner. And my hubby and I are both working on Christmas day. But we'll have a good time with friends on Christmas Eve, so I'm looking forward to that.

Follow Friday: How long have you been book blogging? Almost 6 months now! I can't believe it's been that long. I started reading book blogs early this year and then started posting reviews to Amazon. I started this blog in June. I've had so much fun!

And also check out Parajunkee's Follow My Book Blog Friday.


  1. New follower from the Blog Hops. Look forward to reading your posts.

    ~ Melissa

  2. Stopping by to say hi. Have a great weekend.

  3. Happy Friday Alison! I can't believe I'm almost to six months as well, it's seemed so much shorter than that. Yours is one of my favorite stops every day, I'm glad to have "met" you through blogging! Hope you have a fabulous weekend:)

  4. Hi, Alison! Just dropping by to wish you a great weekend! Book blogging is indeed fun and the other bloggers are very nice. :)


    -Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

  5. Hi!

    Thanks for hopping by The Enchanted Book! I wrote about books on myspace for a while and a while back on Live Journal. But Blogger is a lot more fun and has a lot more goodies to play with! And book blogging allows me to meet some really great people.

    Have a great one!


  6. Hello!
    Yes, I also think book blogging is more fun then a fitness blog, but I think that has to do with the fact that I don't really like to exercise.
    Well, I hope you have a great weekend.


  7. HI nice to meet you , Thanks for the follow and following back.

    Have a great weekend :)


  8. Happy Friday, Alison :-) Dropping by as part of the Friday Follow, and I hope you have a great weekend! :-)


  9. Hopping by, although I may not do the Hop officially! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Your blog is wonderful, Alison.

  10. Older follower just stopping through. Have a great weekend :)

  11. Hi Alison,

    Making my rounds on the blog hop! P.S. I'm also one of those crazy Black Friday & Day After Xmas shoppers!! HEE! HEE!


    Nocturnal Bites

  12. Enjoy the break from cooking. I've been tempted by Black Friday in the past, but I usually stay away. People are totally different when 50% off is involved.

  13. Hi,
    Just hopping by and following through! I hope you enjoy your thanksgiving!


  14. Hopping through! I've only been shopping on Black Friday once... err, it was fun! My feet hurt for days after, but it was a blast.

  15. I love shopping on Black Friday too, though I usually end up buying for things for myself that day than Christmas presents! Lol. Hope you have a great weekend!

  16. Just Hopping by!! I am also thankful for my wonderful husband! Today we have been together for 8 years! He is the love of my life! Hope you have a great weekend!!


  17. Stopping in from the Hop to say hi. I've also been blogging for about 6 months now! Feels like I've always been doing it sometimes. Happy weekend :)

  18. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!! I am now following you

  19. Hey! Old follower just stopping by for FF. You've been blogging for 6 months? Wow, well done! I'm just passed my second month and so far so good! Have a great weekend and happy reading!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads (Twitter)
    Check out my first giveaway!

  20. Giving that we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in England I'm beginning to feel left out (sobs). Seriously, it's fascinating to read of how you all celebrate, of your different personal traditions. Thanks for sharing your story Alison, happy Thanksgiving for next week.

  21. Just returning the hop! What a cute blog! Love it!

    --Ashley (Bookaholic Does Blogging)

  22. Im already a follower, but wanted to say Hi anyways. Thanks

  23. Just stopping by to say Hi from the Hop... and a new follower. We're also relatively new to the world of book blogging.

    We lived in Arizona for a couple of years and miss it so much! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  24. I've been book blogging for a quite awhile, maybe 2 years? but I took a big break somewhere in the middle!!

    Girls with Books
    Teen Bookshelf

  25. I have always wanted to go to the Mall of America. I wonder what its occupancy rate is? At our mall there are large areas where there was a Dept. store and nothing there after maybe 6 years. It is sad.

    Anyway, old follower stopping to say Hi! Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    Twitter: @fangswandsfairy

  26. Happy Friday, Alison! That's so sad you have to work Christmas day! I have to work Christmas Eve, but thankfully not Christmas Day.

    Have a brilliant weekend, and I love your blog more and more!

  27. Alison --

    Your always soo kind and stopping by to see me every weekend! Wanted to share the love!!

    Wanna Be Featured?

  28. How long have I been book blogging? Too long!

    How long is too long?

    I was blogging from my official website about the interactive fiction books
    I was writing before the words "blog" and "blogging" entered the English

    And I blogged a lot about many things -- not just books.

    I need to blog off topic a little more, I think. I don't want people to the
    idea I'm too two dimensional!

    Thank God It's Follow Friday!

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Howard Sherman

  29. Hello my dear,

    I'm hopping around this fine night...  I'm thankful for my boys, the three kitties I just acquired, and time travel.

    The Mad Scientist is starting a Reading Bucket List challenge for 2011... It should be a fun way to get some books read.  Sign up if it is something you'd like to try.

    I'm also doing a week tribute of sorts for Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate Series.  Today is a tribute to the Scruffy Scottish Werewolf.

    Mad Scientist

  30. happy 6 mos! and yay for harry potter! looking forward to the latest film release!

  31. Hey Alison, thanks for hopping by. You're brave for venturing out on black friday! I used to work retail so I remember the horror well! lol Good luck this year.

  32. Thanks for hopping by my blog-I am following you on Twitter now

  33. Hello,
    Happy Friday! I'm stopping by for the hop and follow Friday. I can't beleive the holidays are so close. Were did the year go? I must be getting old. lol
    Have a great weekend!
    I'm an old follower.
    Romance Book Junkies

  34. Hello!!!

    I'm hopping back! I haven't read the book yet, it's in my TBR pile. I haven't heard someone say they liked both! People I talk to either liked one or the other.

  35. Yeah I got to see it last night, and I'm sure it won't be the last time I do. It was really good. Hope you enjoy wed when you get to see it.

    Have a good weekend!

  36. Thank you for stopping by my place. So glad that you did because it gave me a chance to find your's. Am a new follower and look forward to all of your future postings. Hope you got a chance to see and enter all the giveaways going on now and more to come.

  37. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! Have a great weekend!


  38. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! I used to read the Babysitter books when I was about six, too. :) I'm a new follower-- congrats on six months of blogging!

  39. Hi Alison :) You have a lovely blog. Your Thanksgiving celebration sounds awesome. I found you on the Book Blogger Hop and wanted to say hi and introduce myself. Mine is a brand new book blog and a brand new challenge for myself. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Thanksgiving!

  40. Hi alison thanks for stopping by, Im an old follower, like your HP reviews, cant wait to see the film :)

  41. I'm a new GFC follower and I'm super excited to read your posts. Have a great weekend!

    What Book is That?

  42. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog! I'm looking forward to reading more of your reviews. Glad you hopped by!

  43. Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm looking forward to catching up on yours. Hoping you have a fantastic weekend.

  44. Thanks for hopping by! You've had a busy review week! I hope you enjoy the "downtime" of not needing to cook this holiday! Now I'm off to read your review of "Pies and Prejudice" (I really need to get me a mashup or two to read myself!)

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  45. Hey Alison, stopping by on the hop. I see you're on the Potter train. Don't you just love the series? Have a great week.
    See ya,

  46. Hi Alison, thanks a bunch for stopping by my blog. I hope your enjoying your weekend. :D

  47. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower - making it 416 people following your blog. You must be a master networker!


  48. Thanks for hopping by, Alison! I guess we started blogging around the same time :) I had no idea when I started my blog that several months later I would still be blogging and have gotten to know so many awesome book lovers like myself!

  49. Hi there, and thanks for stopping by! I am an old follower of yours, and i love your blog. Congrats on your sixth month blogiversary!

    -Linds, bibliophile brouhaha

  50. Hello, hello!

    Happy Blog Hop!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll certainly be back to check out your blog because I'm looking forward to your Angelfire review! NetGalley is wonderful, isn't it?

    Lisajo85 @ Once Upon A Chapter

  51. I am thankful for my husband, my 9 rescue dogs who fill my life with crazy joy, my job at the bookstore, my writing, my new Nookcolor, and all of my friends. I haven't been blogging long, but I am hoping to make some new blogging friendships and continue the adventures of a book crazy, knitting dog mom.

    I am your newest follower. Thanks for following my blog.


  52. Thanks for hopping by my blog! Thought I would hop back in return! New follower :)

  53. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm just hopping on by to return the favor.

    A Book Obsession..

  54. Thanks for stopping by on the Hop! I'm a new follower!

  55. Thanks for stopping by, we are new followers! Have a great week and LOVE the avi!!!


I love comments. I appreciate every one! Thank you in advance.

This blog is now an award free zone. I just don't have time to pass on the awards as they deserve.